Pornography is a multibillion dollar industry, a mass medium that has had a very harmful effect upon our people. It emerged in its current unrestrained, ubiquitous form in the 1970s with the release of films like Deep Throat (1972), Behind the Green Door (1972), and The Devil in Miss Jones (1973).
At least two of the female stars of the films died relatively young, a fate that appears to be an occupational hazard.
Italian mob money funded a couple of the early films, and all three were produced and directed by seedy Gentiles (Italian American Gerard Damiano, and brothers Jim and Artie Mitchell).
The head of one of the largest contemporary studios (Evil Angel), John Stagliano, has an Italian-sounding surname. He is married to a former porn actress. Both Stagliano and his wife are HIV positive (Stagliano used to perform). He is reportedly a major benefactor of the Reason Foundation (publisher of Reason magazine) and the Cato Institute, two important libertarian think tanks.
Nevertheless, it is Jews who have long ruled the roost in this realm.
Former porn gossip columnist Luke Ford, an Australian-born convert to Judaism, wrote, “Secular Jews dominate the production and distribution of porn. Just like they’ve had a disproportionate role in the ‘white slave trade’ and other forms of sex commerce.”
The social triumph of pornography coincided with the efflorescence of American and European Jewry. A massive, decades-long legal campaign was waged to force it down whites’ throats. Ironically, pornography is now enshrined as “free speech,” while free speech is increasingly criminalized as “hate.”
The industry sponsors its own legal front group, the First Amendment Lawyers Association (FALA), akin to the Communist Party’s old National Lawyers Guild or the Left’s American Civil Liberties Union.
Porn is systematized prostitution. Intrepid prosecutors tried attacking it as such early on, but well-funded opponents and a judicial system oriented to serving the powerful insured that that they ran into a brick wall.
According to media reports, when film, Internet, sex toys, and “dance club” revenues are pooled, industry-wide revenue amounts to $8 billion a year. There is no reason why this figure, obtained by journalists from a spokesman for the Adult Video News (AVN) trade journal, should be accepted as gospel. The actual figure may be much higher.
A Wikipedia article, now deleted, estimated that porn industry revenue alone—i.e., minus sex toys or dance clubs—in the US was $13.3 billion in 2006 . . . six years ago. And in 2004 the AVN itself had said that collective industry revenue outstripped the individual revenues of both the record industry and major league sports.
But, hey, who’s counting?
No matter how it’s reckoned, there’s a lot of cash flowing into Jewish coffers.
Socially-Destructive Effects
Despite its cheapness, technical crudity, and largely unerotic (gynecological) quality, porn reaches directly into, and manipulates, the most basic instincts. It is “calculated to bypass the brain and go directly to the lower cortex,” as Justin Raimondo put it.
A statistical analysis published on TOO (“Legalized Pornography and Demographic Genocide”) suggested that nations with legalized pornography suffer a drastic decline in total fertility. The author did not examine porn’s likely effect on interracial sex and miscegenation (see below), and attributes problems solely to its influence upon men, which is almost certainly mistaken. Women, too, are manipulated by it—particularly its lessons in interracial sex and lesbianism.
Worse, it alters sexual behavior on a society-wide scale, behavior that is the foundation of family, marriage, and race. That’s a staggering power to place in anyone’s hands, much less the Jews’.
It is therefore telling that one of the first imports into conquered Middle Eastern countries by the US and other imperialist governments via DVD, international satellite, and the Internet, is the social acid of pornography, which dissolves the sexual and communal bonds that unite society, state, ethnic group, religion, and race.
Its power also finds expression in the behavior of US troops, including the acts of humiliation and degradation photographed and filmed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq:
Far from being a random explosion of Appalachian animality, some real thought went into the obscene antics of the S&M Seven. But whose thoughts? Surely not Lynndie England’s . . .
The Abu Ghraib photo gallery of S&M imagery, far from being a prank, is art. Monstrously perverted, even vile, yet the sheer horror of it, calculated to elicit an emotional reaction, qualifies it as such, at least technically, as much as the work of Robert Mapplethorpe. What we are talking about, in this case, is the art of propaganda, or, at least, the nexus where pornography and propaganda meet. (Justin Raimondo, “Abu Ghraib and the Pornography of Power,” May 15, 2004)
One assumes that crime must be widespread in the industry, but of course no one is looking. The ethnic and political stakes, not to mention the money and social power involved, are too high and too obvious to allow any objective examination.
Are American, “Russian” (Jewish), and Israeli organized crime groups active in the industry? (Eastern European porn appears to be common, and you can frequently identify Israeli and Russian accents.) What about human trafficking and white slavery? Murder? Abuse? The drug trade? Financial crimes, including tax evasion and money laundering?
Who knows?
At the moment there is an intra-Establishment squabble over public health. Not the higher suicide rates, shortened life spans, and serious long-term non-STD health risks women appear to suffer from, but rather the threat of STDs, specifically AIDS.
90% of US porn is shot in the San Fernando Valley—the “other Hollywood”—a strip of dingy suburbs northeast of downtown Los Angeles.
California health law mandates the use of condoms when workers are exposed to blood-borne pathogens. But the industry just flouts the law. Pornographers contend consumers won’t watch films in which condoms appear because it ruins the fantasy.
Unsurprisingly, authorities haven’t enforced the law against them. The Los Angeles city council is trying to change this, but one of the largest producers, Steven Hirsch, founder and head of Los Angeles-based Vivid Entertainment, says: “It’s going to be interesting to see how they do try to enforce it and who’s going to fund it, and all of the time and effort they’re going to spend. Ultimately I think what they will find is people will just stop shooting in the city of Los Angeles. That’s a given.”
Assuming the effort goes forward at all, which it may not, sympathetic courts prodded by well-heeled industry attorneys might fabricate a First Amendment or other “civil liberties” basis for ignoring the law.
But, again, it is an intramural squabble.
Racist Agenda
Porn permeates mass culture from top to bottom despite society’s studied pretension that it doesn’t exist. However, when it comes to race, it is impossible to miss the thumb in the eye and the spittle in the face, even if no one talks about it. (Indeed, spit in the face is a recurring feature of pornographic degradation, another hallmark of Jewish dominance.)
Even a mainstream source ventured that porn “fashion” now suffuses movies, television, and popular music. I heard Tina Fey joke about “MILFs” on NBC TV. Indeed, evidence of its effects is everywhere.
Jews are porn moguls, and also directing voices (often with pronounced Jewish, Israeli, or “Russian” accents) behind the handheld video cams, and populate the ranks of male performers as well.
The Jewish-white racial dynamic is so overwhelming that it impossible to miss.
It is essentially identical to the one described by Marie Syrkin in her scathing critique of celebrated racist novelist Philip Roth’s Portnoy’s Complaint (1969)—”the dark Jewboy lusting after the Aryan maiden in order to dominate her world.” She said:
Of what do anti-Semites accuse Jews? The gravamen of the anti-Semitic indictment straight through Hitler is that the Jew is the defiler and destroyer of the Gentile world.
In a classic description of what the Nazis called rassenschande (racial defilement), Portnoy explains that he lusts after blonde shikses not because he is drawn to them individually but because that is how he can “conquer America.” In sexual intercourse his pleasure is that “I can stick it up their backgrounds.” The scene in which he gloats at the contrast between his swarthy body and that of the fair Nordic patrician maiden he possesses is straight out of the Goebbels-Streicher script.
Nor is Roth content with depicting Portnoy as the willful violator of the Gentile sexual background. He must be revealed as the enemy of the Gentile world. For Portnoy, Assistant Commissioner of Human Opportunity, the phony Jewish liberal par excellence, offers as his prime achievement his exposure of an “Ur-Wasp” in the [1950s] television quiz scandals: “Yes, I was one happy yiddel down there in Washington, a little Stern Gang [Jewish terrorist organization] of my own, busily exploding Charlie’s [Charles Van Doren’s] honor and integrity, while simultaneously becoming lover to that aristocratic Yankee beauty whose forebears arrived on these shores in the 17th century. Phenomenon known as Hating Your Goy and Eating One Too.”
This is not even funny. It’s plain vicious. (The New York Review of Books, November 14, 1974)
The Jewish obsession with female defilement as fundamental to a broad genocidal assault upon white society as a whole is just as explicit in pornography as it is in Roth.
Pornographers have developed an elaborate taxonomy to describe their offerings, one of the largest categories of which is called “Interracial.” This is a misnomer, however, since almost all of it involves black men on white girls.
The only white nationalist I’ve seen mention this topic is Revilo Oliver back in the 1990s.
Interracial porn is so pervasive that it extends across most of the categories, including “Gangbang,” “Bukkake,” “Wife,” Cuckold,” and others it would be too tedious and pointless to enumerate.
“Interracial” seems to have exploded in a big way in the 1980s, although Marilyn Chambers performed it as early as 1972 in Behind the Green Door. An earlier instance was recorded by French novelist Jean Raspail in The Camp of the Saints (1975):
Ralph Ginzburg, the famous [Jewish] American publisher, had printed a series of photos in his magazine Eros [“Black and White in Color,” 8-page spread, Winter 1962], which had caused not a little ink to be spilled. They showed an interracial couple—white woman, black man—in various stages of nude embrace—with a caption that read as follows: “Tomorrow these couples will be recognized as the pioneers of an enlightened age, in which prejudice will be dead and the only race will be the human race.” Yes, that’s what it was all about. And everyone listened with an almost religious awe, because in point of fact, they spoke in the name of death. Only a white woman can give birth to a white baby. Let her choose not to conceive one, let her choose only non-white mates, and the genetic results aren’t long in coming. (p. 294)
The vastly expanded creation and dissemination of black-on-white porn since then is momentous from a racialist perspective. It forms a key element in the racial agenda of both Jews and government.
The open, repetitive depiction of interracial sex, in combination with raw, explicit racial debasement of both white girls and men, has had an enormous impact on sexual behavior in ex-white societies.
This impact has probably been as important, if not more important, than racist mainstream propaganda, not only on the thousands (tens of thousands?) of white girls who passed through porn mills over the last 40 years, but on teen and adult female viewers as well. Even middle-aged whites have been weaned on this stuff, so long has it been around.
Although porn has affected both sexes, its most important impact has been the radical alteration of white women’s real-life attitudes and sexual behavior. It dangles the spicy, titillating lure of “forbidden” fruit before their eyes in a way the racist mainstream media cannot match. It places all of the details, as well as accompanying PC attitudes, directly in front of their eyes.
Often the female performers, who are contemptuously humiliated, mocked, and debased by Jews, Negroes, Mestizos, and others on camera, are instructed to—and robotically do—express contempt for white males in comparison to blacks.
It must be remembered, too, that the entire justification for the Communist-style censorship in America and Europe demanded by Jews, academics, government, and the media boils down to the claim that ideas have consequences. This is certainly true of anti-white pornography.
Jews bleat endlessly about “racism,” “hate,” and the deleterious consequences of intermarriage on themselves. So they know exactly what they’re doing to whites, and the government facilitates it.
There may now be a small occupational caste of Negro producers of interracial porn as well, akin to Negro pimps in American cities. Both minority groups, Jews and blacks, sexually, economically, and emotionally exploit the young white girls under their control.
Indicative of Jewish dominance (for blacks are certainly not naturally dominant) is the vast scale of contemporary interracial sex, and the marked reversal of the historic norm which paired white males with African females but now pairs black males with white females.
Arthur Jensen characterized past black-white liaisons as “a real but relatively low number.” Today, the number of liaisons is far higher and the male-female roles reversed, mirroring depictions in Jewish porn.
In sum, the porn industry is dominated by Jews. Production and distribution of smut is extremely lucrative. Realistically, one must assume that porn and crime, including organized crime, coexist symbiotically.
The massive sexual exploitation—prostitution—of white girls, and the resulting power to alter social attitudes and sexual behavior across society, has enabled Jews to “conquer America” as Philip Roth put it.
There are other racial dimensions to pornography, but the ones mentioned here are the most important from a white perspective and, indeed, the primary ones from a general perspective as well.
“They spoke in the name of death. Only a white woman can give birth to a white baby. Let her choose not to conceive one, let her choose only non-white mates, and the genetic results aren’t long in coming.”